VISORPG Z+- Videogame-ish Solo Roleplaying Game


(You need the first four files below, you should probably get the fifth one, being a Tutorial and stuff, and there's no reason to not get the last two if you use a Windows operating system. They're all free, after all! Errata will be compiled here, once they start showing their ugly face and before doing any update)  








(Below there're links for two tools for the previous edition that still work for this one)



(And below there's a link for the "homepage" of a free zine that includes some additional materials for this system, among others)


The core game

In VISORPG Z you’ll find rules for playing a solo RPG story, taking plenty of inspiration on how videogames work and also screening plenty of lists of tropes for different genres. 

Thus, the game includes...

1) Rules for character creation, from the game Main Characters to the 'just being there' Bystanders.

2) Rules for setting generation (a.k.a. 'game templates') for a heap of different genres: classic fantasy, isekai fantasy, modern shounen supernatural action, sentai, mahou shoujo, pulp adventures, science fiction, and more (17 game templates, total).

3) Three fully filled game templates so you can just press the START game button without all the previous set up.

3) Rules for Dialogues with NPCs, inspired on dialogue trees from videogames. Icon-based dialogue trees, to be precise. Also, rules for relationships with NPCs (and Factions)...and between NPCs (and Factions)!.

4) Rules for Action resolution. Yes, that capital 'A' is important. You can resolve dramatic conflicts, tense investigations, mecha combats, etc., with them. Also, fishing, home furnishing and game-card collecting, if that's your thing!

5) Tables full of special events for different genres (Action, Horror, Comedy, etc.), sample characters an locations, etc. 

6) Rules for Personal Projects, Big Projects, Mass battle, Vehicles, Mass combat, Puzzles, Case solving, etc.!

7) A long Tutorial (and that's an understatement) that takes the form of a replay. 

8) A series of tables for Inspiration Pad Pro, by NBOS Software, which let you fill templates with just one click...and more!

What's changed (and new)

Here there is a list of the main changes you can find in this second edition of the game. The big one is the core book being now divided in two parts, one for Rules and another for Templates. To be precise, most of the old ‘genre rules’ in the latter ones have been moved to the former, only leaving those rules that are VERY situational. Also…

  • The known errata from 2º Edition have been corrected, in addition of some previously unknown more. Of course, with all the changes and additions in this edition, expect new, shining errata appearing in their place.
  • The gameplay section has been expanded, describing the game loop. Or for what it pass as a ‘game loop’, at least.
  • Vehicle conflicts now have two new Actions that let you flee them and also reproduce the final attacks in not-vehicle conflicts.
  • There’s an option for better starting Attitudes in a Five Member Team, for genres where a cohesive team is expected.
  • Talents work the same, but they have been a bit more systematized and adapted to include the new Actions. Also, the game templates include several changes in the Talents some characters get by default.
  • ‘PC advancement’ section has been updated, with different options for playing it. Also, the cost in Trophies has been reduced in some cases.
  • The cost and requirements for improving Personal Interests have been vastly reduced, both in term of required progress and badges expenditure.
  • New sections with advanced options for puzzle-solving, case investigations, strongholds & settlements building and management, mass combat, and multiplayer gaming has been added.
  • Dialogue and NPC-interaction rules include the updates from the 0.03 version of Let’s Talk! and 0.02 version of Keeping Contact!, plus additional ones (especially in the Faction section).
  • The NPC approves! that and NPC disapproves that! Action have been updated and expanded, covering the different cases in their description.
  • The Call Bond Action has been nerfed a bit, by making the 4 and 9 inauspicious results more punishing.
  • The Gen(R)erator rules have been rewritten a bit to clarify their use (now, a ‘Genre Table’ works as a template for ‘Plot Tables’, being the latter the ones you would actually use!)
  • Die-rolling alternatives to card-based Oracles have been included.
  • The Book of Tables has been reformatted. Easier to index now, and in fact the pdf now includes bookmarks for each table.
  • Several tables had been added for fantasy games (including a way to generate classical quests for this genre). Most are adaptations from others of my recent games. Because it was time for VISORPG to take and not just give!
  • The Weirder Matters template is now part of the core game. There’s also two totally new templates: This Dust Was a City, and Time-Travel Thrilling Tales!
  • There are now three ready-to-play games instead of only one. Yep, this time, not only Ruriko but also Captain Alessandro and Yuko-chan & Duskwillow are fully playable from the very beginning!

The origin

VISORPG was the result of an experiment: as explained in the game’s introduction, I had known about ‘solo’ RPGs from a long time, but I always had found that concept a little strange…so I never dared to give them a try. Cue 2022, and as one new Year's resolutions I decided to make that try, after all! And I decided that because the concept didn’t sound so strange to me once I started visualizing me as playing that kind of game as an adventure/RPG/visual novel videogame...without computer, console or whatever. On the other hand, I didn’t know about any already existing solo RPG which worked in such way…and, nevertheless, I was interested in trying a very specific kind of story, so I decided to homebrew my own system. And, at the end, writing the rules turned out into part of the game, so I started putting them in a somewhat readable format. The key word here is 'somewhat': wrote the game in English...which isn't my first language. 

[Yeah, a solo RPG which was initially thought for just my own use, and I didn’t use my first language. Go figure.]

Fast forward a few months: in September 2022, I started writing a new version of the game, with plenty of changes…but keeping most of its essence. Ah, yeah, and most of the material that was already writing because I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel! Cue November 2022…and there it was, the second edition of the game: VISORPG Z.

Fast forward another year: at December 2023, I started correcting errata from the previous edition and...well, let's just say that I got a bit carried away, so here it is, a new whole edition: VISORPG Z+.


Here you'll find the links for all VISORPG-Z+ files. Again. Just in case.

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