domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2023

¡DESAFÍO CONSEGUIDO! - Resumen de creaciones en 2023 (y de actualizaciones, ampliaciones, etc.).

En Enero de 2023 me hice un auto-desafío: escribir y publicar en el blog algo nuevo en cada mes del año, como mínimo. Algo que tuviera un mínimo de contenido, quiero decir...como un juego completo (o una actualización de peso), un suplemento para algún juego, alguna herramienta, etc. Y, casi un año después, he completado (¡por fin!) el desafío. El cual, no voy a mentir, ha resultado toda una tarea.

A continuación, incluyo un listado del material que he creado a lo largo de este 2023. El lector atento notará que, en total, hay más de doce "trabajos", dado que en algunos meses acabé escribiendo más de un texto.

Empezaré por el material en inglés. Hay motivos para ello, palabra...

  • VISORPG-Z: Además de una actualización menor (que ni siquiera contabilicé a efectos de este desafío), he escrito un tutorial / 'actual play' (titulado Shōjo Steampunk Alchemist) y una serie de herramientas para usar con el programa Inspiration Pad Pro.
  • Herramientas para RPG en solitatio: He escrito dos herramientas para juegos de rol en solitario en general, basadas principalmente en tropos narrativos (Welcome to Tropeland!, y su secuela It’s a trope!), y he actualizado las herramientas de diálogo e interacción social con NPCs Let’s Talk! y Keeping Contact!
  • Ultimate Mystical Chef: He traducido el juego completo del español al inglés...para, poco después, actualizarlo con una 'versión expandida'. Dado que esta última suponía incluir unas 50 páginas de nuevo contenido a las originales 250, lo consideré lo suficientemente relevante como para que contara para el desafío. 
  • MQGA-32p: Un JDR en solitario completo, con un Add-On (Ultimate Tournament 32p)
  • Jerkass Hero!: Otro JDR en solitario completo, con un Add-On  (Going Against the Flaw)

Y respecto al material en español. Como se puede ver, en su totalidad se trata de traducción de material en inglés. Había dicho que había motivos para mencionar estos últimos en primer lugar, ¿verdad?

  • VISORPG-Z: He traducido el juego al completo, y en este caso no ha sido una tarea menor en absoluto. Ya de paso, también he traducido su Add-on ‘Weirder Matters’.
  • Ultimate Mystical Chef: He actualizado el juego a la versión expandida y mejorada. Sí, el proceso completo ha sido Español (allá por 2021) --> Inglés --> Inglés (Ampliada y Expandida) --> Español (Ampliada y Expandida). Para que luego hablen de ciclos de desarrollo enrevesados…
  • MQGA-32p: Mi idea inicial era traducir solamente las cartas de este juego, pero al final me lie la manta a la cabeza y lo traduje al completo (add-on incluido...y con algún material adicional de propina en el juego base, por aquello de cuadrar un total de 32 páginas)
  • Moon Raid: He actualizado la versión en español del juego, y traducido su segundo suplemento. ¡Así que esta versión ya está completa, al fin!

En fin, lo dicho: ha sido un año bastante productivo, ¡pero también un poco agotador!  La próxima vez que me auto-desafíe, ¡será para algo mucho más asequible!

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2023

MQGA-32p - Un JDR en solitario en 32 páginas


Haz click en el enlace para descargar el PDF.
Sin miedo. ¡Es gratis!
Pero comprueba también los enlaces de más abajo,
o estarás sin cartas y sin hoja de personaje.


MQGA-32p ('Making Questions and Getting Answers in 32 pages'...que traducido viene a ser algo así como 'Haciendo preguntas y obteniendo respuestas, en 32 páginas) es un intento por mi parte por escribir un RPG completo en 32 páginas. Lo cual, ciertamente, fue complicado en su versión original en inglés...y doblemente complicado en su traducción al español. No te extrañes, pues, por el tamaño (reducido) de letra y los (escasos) márgenes de página... 

lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2023

Mazo Oráculo para MQGA-32p, en español


Haz click en la imagen para descargar el PDF con las cartas, y sus instrucciones de uso. 

Actualización 09/10/2023: El juego completo se encuentra disponible en español en este enlace. Todos esos comentarios más abajo acerca de la dificultad de realizar esa traducción y tal...sí, eran ciertos, pero el caso es que poderse, se podía. ¡Y se pudo! ^__^  

El Mazo Oráculo es una herramienta para el reglamento de rol en solitario disponible en este mismo blog MQGA-32p ('Making Questions, Getting Answers, in 32 pages'), en su versión más actualizada (0.03). Ahora bien, este mazo puedo ser usado igualmente como fuente de inspiración para otros reglamentos, tanto en solitario (lo más probable) como en modo clásico (esto ya es más situacional). Con estas cartas podrás responder a preguntas de tipo '¿sí o no?' para distintos niveles de probabilidades, determinar la reacción de un determinado PNJ (junto a otros aspectos del mismo como su apariencia, humor actual, personalidad, etc.), reproducir el lanzamiento de ciertos tipos de dados, y consultar toda una serie de descriptores basados en texto o imágenes que sirven de inspiración a la hora de generar eventos aleatorios. O planificados, ya puestos.

jueves, 20 de julio de 2023

Weirder Matters - Una plantilla de juego ochentera de estilo "chavalería contra lo sobrenatural" para VISORPG-Z


¡La verdad está ahí fuera!
El PDF también...¡pero ese puedes conseguirlo 
con un simple click en la imagen!

WEIRDER MATTERS es una plantilla de juego para el juego de rol en solitario VISORPG-Z basada en...un momento, ¿realmente es necesario explicarlo? ... Bueno, venga, vale:basada en un grupo de chavales de una pequeña ciudad norteamericana de los años 80 que se ven envueltos en asuntos misteriosos. En sus páginas, pues, encontrarás un puñado de personajes pre-generados (de donde saldrán tanto tu PC como sus amiguetes), cuestionarios para configurar la ciudad, tres ejemplos de tramas principales que brillan por su originalidad (la Criatura, la Maldición y la Conspiración), etc.

sábado, 1 de julio de 2023

ULTIMATE TOURNAMENT 32p - A fighty add-on for MQGA-32p

 Just click the image to get the PDF.
No, seriously, do it. It's free!
But also check the links below, if you want 
the automatic-NPC-generator thingy!

ULTIMATE TOURNAMENT 32p is an add-on for the MQGA-32p solo roleplaying game that let's you play a whole martial art tournament with 32 participants, tons of bravado, and an unlimited supply of ham. Or that's what to expect. In this add-on you'll find...

  • Rules for populating a 32-fighters Tournament Bracket. Or just 16 or 8, if you feel that 32 is a bit too ambitious.
  • Tables to assign names, martial arts, personal styles, archetypes and establishing character moments to the participants.
  • Rules to play fights between NPCs, or between the protagonist and an NPC.
  • Rules to decide the winner of the Tournament Final Fight. Expect drama!
  • Auxiliary tables for non-Fighter NPCs, typical (and atypical) Locations, random out-of-the-arena events, etc.


miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023

MQGA-32p: A solo RPG system in 32 pages


Just click the image to get the PDF.
No, seriously, do it. It's free!
But also check the links below, or you'll be
"card"-less and "character sheet"-less!

ADD-ONS (Yep, I'm also doing some of those)

MQGA-32p ('Making Questions and Getting Answers in 32 pages') is my attempt to create an RPG that fits in a 32-pages documents, as hinted in its name. Which, truth be told, is quite the challenge for me due to my inclination to ramble and to add stuff just for the sake of it! 

martes, 6 de junio de 2023

VISORPG-Z TOOLS - Inspiration Pad Pro generators for this solo rpg system (also, it may find some use for others).



(Nope, no image to click this time. The Cover is very austere with this one)



(Feedback, suggestions and comments will be appreciated!) 


Step 1: Download the Inspiration Pad Pro program in their creators homepage and install it.

Step 2: Download the generators file and unrar it in the Inspiration Pad Pro folder, keeping the folder structure of the former.

Step 3: Run Inspiration Pad Pro.

Step 4: Look for all those generators in the VISORPG-Z folder, click on any one of them and start messing around.

Step 5: ???

Step 6: Sorry, no "profits" to be expected. Try with NFTs: I have heard that's a booming and safe way of earning loads of cash <SNORT>.


VISORPG-Z Tools is a bunch of generators (technically, "tables") for the Inspiration Pad Pro  (IPP) software that lets you randomize...well, plenty of things related to that system. Both from a gameplay but also from a content-creation point of view.

This way, in the Rar file you can find tables to ask most of the Oracles available for that system, but also a digital way to roll for some result in any of the game tables. Okay, maybe some of them have been left off, but that would just be a) an oversight, or b) a case of a table that uses some mechanics that I don't know how translate into the IPP format.

But, also, you'll find a heap of generators for the specific game templates in the core VISORPG-Z book (plus that one that was uploaded as an add-on). If the content mentioned in the previous paragraph can be seen as "RAW game content", here you'll find plenty of random stuff that has been added just for the sake of it. Most of times, you can add the adjectives 'useless' and 'weird' to that 'random' one...but I hope you would also add the 'fun' and 'evocative' ones, once in a while.

Now,  VISORPG-Z isn't a stat-less RPG, but it's clearly a light-stated if you just ignore the mechanical bits, you may find plenty of inspiration in these tools for other systems...being them solo or non-solo. Heck, here there's a conversion guide for the number-crunchy stuff: for Stats, +2 = Very good, +1 = Good, and +0 = Mediocre; for Attitude, +2 = Very friendly, +1 = Friendly, +0 = Neutral, -1 = Unfriendly, -2 = Very unfriendly. And...I think that's all. If I remember anything more, I'll add it here later!


That would be the Guide PDF, a few pages long. And redirecting you to it, paradoxically, makes this entry in this page the shortest of all. Go figure.


You just want to see the generators in action before trying anything? Here there're some examples of things that can be created with them, in ascending order of complexity. Typos and all, mind you, because there's surely still plenty of things to polish off!

An heroic mecha for a Sentai game

Name: Shadow Ember
Runes: Radioactivity, Fox, Guilt
Stats:Maneuver +2 Systems +0 Hardiness +1 Firepower +1
Weapons: Electric Projectiles, Golden Flail
Ultimate weapons: Destroyer Fire Pistol, Giga Laser Hammer

A fully-stated protagonist for a Mahou Shoujo game


Physical +0 (Slow) Mental +2 (Clever) Social +1 Spirit +2 (All-out)

- Techniques: Earth Tsunami Breath, Unrelenting Tempest Wound
- Final Attack: Celestial Champion Step
- Talent: Fight for victory

Does Aiko live with her parents? Yes
Is Aiko popular in her school? No
Is Aiko a good student? No
is Aiko currently interested in someone? No, but...
Did Aiko expect turning into a magical girl? Yes
Does Aiko have full control of her powers? No, but...
Has Aiko lost any friends because of the Darkness? No
And any who turned to the Darkness? Yes, and...

Metal, General, Warrior

Fabric: sunflower denim
Accessory: a dramatic bracelet
Embellishments: whirling stain hearts
Hand & Footwear: orchid leather gloves and trainers
Item of power: a cannon that illuminates with sacred pearl energy

Runes: Mowgli, The High Priestess card (upright), Genghis Khan
Personality traits: Assertive but boring
Motivation: Teaching others

Zodiac sign: Leo
Blood type: A+
Build: Quite burly
Height: Just in the average
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Hime cut, Chestnut
Favorite food: Gyoza
Hobby: Checkers
Trivia: Is obsessed with physical exercise

A fully set-up for a game template


How does the Spirit of the Forest manifest to the forest dwellers?
The oldest tree in the Forest Heart, wise but sleepy.

What’s the most recent thing invented by Human?
Something called ‘domestication’.

Who among the Humans can understand the Animal Talk?
Only a few, saw as wise-people or spiritual leaders.

What danger lurks in the horizon?
The Hundred-Moons-Winter is coming.

When does the game start?
Autumn, falling leaves everywhere.

Hammock-lounging., Password, Giant

- Natalie 's home (Ancient)
- Mountain peak (Inviting)
- Waterfall (Desolate)
- Glacier (Rustic)


Stats: Physical +0 (Out of shape) Mental +2 (Sly) Social +1 Spirit +2 (Brave)

- Deal with a fine mess (Physical, Mental, or Social) Choose one
- Initializing conflict scene

- Was Natalie born in the Forest? Yes
- Does Natalie have a very extended family? No, and...
- Is Natalie seen as problematic by other members of your species? Yes, and...
- Has Natalie been trapped by Human in the past? No
- Is Natalie horrified by the concept of ‘domestication’? No
- Is Natalie really fond of some of the Human crops? No, but...
- Does Natalie have some special relationship with the Spirit of the Forest? Yes, but...

Gender: Female
Fur: Blue
Favorite food: Parsley
Runes: Switch, Balloon, Crystal ball
Personality traits: Self-sufficient but rude
Motivation: Learn about other places and animals
Best friend: Caleb the Crow, a bit of a morbid but not a bad company.
Worst enemy: Billy the Weasel, both astute and vicious.

Gender: Male
Stats: Physical +1 Mental +2 (Learned) Social +0 (Morbid) Spirit +1
- Gumshoeing (Mental)
- Fight for victory
Runes: Gloom, Rampage, Sandstorm
Personality traits: Playful but submissive
Motivation: Family
Attitude: +2

Gender: Male
Stats: Physical +1 Mental +2 (Astute) Social +0 (Unfriendly) Spirit +1
- Gumshoeing (Mental)
- Beat the clock + Not yet!
Runes: Mindfulness, Mist, Identity
Personality traits: Fanatical and twisted
Motivation: Making Natalie 's life miserable
Attitude: -2

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023



Just click the image to get the PDF.
No, seriously, do it. 
It's formative! And free!

"In the 14th-century, a genius but ambitious Alchemist tried to harness the power of the legendary Well of Life to achieve immortality. He carried out all kind of foul experiments, even sacrificing (and extinguishing) mythical creatures. But his final experiment failed miserably, opening a portal to the Well of Death and starting the Black Death outbreak. The Alchemist soul was also corrupted, and he turned into the Dark Alchemist.

The Well of Life reacted by investing power to young females, being these powers of alchemic nature too, but benign.  Thus, this Light Alchemists battled the Dark Alchemist and his creatures, defeating him and banishing him to the Well of Death dimension.

Since then, the Light Alchemists have fought the incursions of the Dark Alchemist minions. But now, it’s rumored that the Dark Alchemist is ready to make a comeback…with more power than ever! Are the rumors true? And if they are…what’s the Dark Alchemist planning, actually? And what waits at the end of the Light Alchemists fight?"

So begins the adventures of our protagonist in this Replay / Tutorial for VISORPG-Z (for its 0.03 version, to be precise, which you can be found here). Or so it seems. Actually, these adventures began with the roll of 1d10, which decided which genre this Tutorial was going to have. Yes, the winner was 'Mahou Shoujo': the title and cover of the Tutorial spoils that already, so why keep it in secret.


lunes, 17 de abril de 2023

IT'S A TROPE! - More tropes, conventions and stuff for your solo (or not-so-solo) gaming!


Just click on the image to get the PDF! 

This sequel of WELCOME TO TROPELAND! (whose page you should visit in this link, if you have no idea of what am I talking about) adds a few hundred more tropes, conventions, archetypes and stuff. About 600 more, if I have not miscalculated (hey, it wouldn't be so strange!).

·         Supers (100): Because, at this point, this is a media genre on its own, isn’t it?

·         Camelot (50): For your Arthurian games. Which takes us to…

·         …’Tis a silly place (50): It’s not a matter of IF someone is gonna quote ‘The Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ in an Arthurian game, but WHEN…so better quote it with a reason!

·         Ancient Egypt (50): Ambulant mummies are not explicitly mentioned…because they’re a given!

·         Celtic Myths (50): Maybe I have mismatched some concepts in this one. I blame the internet for that.

·         Spanish Golden Age (50): Yes, I have included one table related to my own country. What? You disagree?!? ¡No queda sino batirnos!

·         Three Kingdoms (50): I’d rather trope-fy this era, than let this era trope-fy me!

·         Vikings (50): Sorry, no horned helmets. I’m trying to be keep the historical accuracy [SNORT!].

·         Wrestling (50): Because it’s still real to me, dammit!

·         1000000 BC (25): When dinosaurs and cavemen shared the Prehistoric Earth. Because they shared it, right? I mean…I watched a documentary about that, it featured Ringo Star!

·         Disaster Blockbuster (25): Just add one specific kind of disaster, and you’re set!

·         Magical School (25): You should combine this one with the High School table from WELCOME TO TROPELAND! Also, probably, with the Romance and Comedy one.

·         The Heist (25): This one, on the other hand, asks to be combined with Action, probably Crime, and whatever you want to add!

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023

ULTIMATE MYSTICAL CHEF - A roleplaying game with action, humour and adventure. And, also, lots of cooking!


Clink on the image to get the game. Come on, do it, it's free!
(But you'll have to download the character sheet, too, so...maybe you should use the links below)



In the world of ULTIMATE MYSTICAL CHEF (or UMC), cooking isn't simply a way to turn raw ingredients into something edible (or, sometimes, just something more edible). No, in this world, cooking is POWER. Magical power, to be precise. And, therefore, those who are dedicated to the culinary arts are seen with admiration and respect, being their Cooking Competitions the mass spectacle with the highest audiences.

In this way, the protagonists of UMC will be travelling the world (or, perhaps, managing their Local or Cuisine Academy), from Competition to Competition, or facing all kinds of troubles and challenges. Because there are some who try to seize the culinary magic to use it for their own purposes. And others simply seek to destroy the world. By devouring it, to be more precise.

The UMC manual includes...

... a summary of the setting, including a description of the Chefs' Cuisine Schools (both Great and Minor)

... A fairly simple game system (or, at least, I find it quite simple!), based on throwing 1D10, adding something, and hoping the result is high enough to get what you want

... rules of creation of Chefs characters, both in their youngest version (the participants of the Junior Circuit) and more veterans (the participants of the World Tour), but also of other characters who, without being Chefs, can participate in his adventures by offering them support

... a Grimoire (sorry... Recipe book) with the Culinary Techniques of the different Schools, the special skills of the companions of the Chefs, and rules for the elaboration of Culinary Creations (what would be the 'magic items of a single use' in other settings, y’know)

... a repertoire of possible allies, opponents, rivals, and enemies with their complete character sheets and backgrounds

...lots of tables to generate random character, places, events, etc.,  and even for playing the game solo!

sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

Welcome to Tropeland! - A troperific & system-agnostic game content generator


Just click on the image to get the PDF! 
Come on, do it. It's not just troperific...its also FREE!

Welcome to Tropeland! is a system-agnostic (but designed with the VISORPG-Z+ system always in mind, just to be fair) featuring a heap of tables full of tropes, clichés, narrative conventions, archetypes, etc., to use as an inspiration for rolling random events on the spot, creating (or giving flavour) to all kind of game content (quests, locations, characters...), etc. You'll also find guidelines regarding how to roll in this tables and interpret the results, using a 'follow the narrative' mixed with 'let's just break conventions!' methodology.

In this text, you'll find tables for the following genres and subgenres, each one containing 100, 50 or 25 potential results:

  • Action! (100)
  • Comedy (100)
  • Crime (100)
  • Drama (100)
  • Fantasy (100)
  • Horror (100)
  • Romance (100)
  • Chanbara (50)
  • Cosmic horror (50)
  • Cyberpunk (50)
  • Faery tales (50)
  • High school (50)
  • Modern war (50)
  • Pirates (50)
  • Post-apocalyptic (50)
  • Sci-fi (50)
  • Slices of life (50)
  • Space (50)
  • Spies (50)
  • Swords & Sorcery (50)
  • Tragedy (50)
  • Western (50)
  • Zombie outbreak (50)
  • Gangsters (25)
  • Musical (25)
  • Ninja (25)
  • Slasher (25)
  • Peplum (25)
  • Regency England (25)

Update: As if it wasn't enough already, there's now a sequel, IT'S A TROPE!, that you can find in this link!

KEEPING CONTACT! - Social relationships, bonds, factions, romance, etc.
LET'S TALK! - NPCs Dialogue-system for solo roleplaying.