'Vampire the Masquerade' setting generator (The wildest mode!) - Example


 Version 11.05 Example

New, World, Mixed

Secrets of the Cloaked Conspiration

Funded after the turmoil of the Rowdy Revolt, which led to the deathly machinations of the mages, the most important organization of the Kindred is known as the Cloaked Conspiration, and its members pretend to protect the Masquerade at all costs. In front, the Order of the Fanged tries to steal the night from them...while the Apolitical clans watch from the sidelines

The structure of the Cloaked Conspiration

Since its first nights, the Cloaked Conspiration has been formed by the members of seven clans. This way, the Cloaked Conspiration is led by the Vlokoslak and they tolerate no open dissent. The members of this clan, originating in Serbia, have the talents of practicing a strange kind of rune blood magic (Ogham), controlling drugs and addictions (Nepenthe), influencing and talking with the animals (Animalism) and ruling the volition of others (Domination). Though, they can't bear to look at the holy objects of any faith. The Vlokoslak are counting on the support of the Dang and it seems that it will continue to be that way in the future. The Dang, originating from Philippines, have the skills of controlling both their lifeless bodies and dark spirits (Deimos), controlling the Beast (Shihai), moving at supernatural speeds (Celerity) and hiding beyond human senses (Obfuscate). Having said that, they cause terrible pain to the victims they feed on. However, the Katakhanades seek to seize the Vlokoslak's privileges but the Vlokoslak know, and the Katakhanades know the Vlokoslak know. These Kindred, originating fron an unknown land, have the gifts of employing powers traditionally related to snakes (Serpentis), turning their bodies into weapons (Bloodworking), vanishing in plain sight (Obfuscate) and overcoming the limits of human strength (Potence). Notwithstanding, can only feed on members of an order of sorceresses on whom they depend.

Somewhat removed from positions of power, the Leyak are always protesting but they never go too far. The members of this clan, originating from Indonesia, have the skills of manipulating sound in subtle and violent ways (Melpominee), controlling the serpents (Amphivena), resisting terrible damage (Fortitude) and performing great feats of physical power (Potence). Alas, they tend to stare in wonder when seeing something beautiful. Apart from this, the Zmeu are hardly taken into account and they like it that way. These Kindred, originating from Moldova, have the gifts of interacting with the world of ghosts and spectres (Nihilistics), controlling and distorting dreams (Insomnium), moving at inhuman speeds (Celerity) and overcoming the limits of human strength (Potence). Nevertheless, they have a particular vice to which they are bounded. With respect to the Eretica, maybe there is SOMEONE out there who can elucidate what are they trying to do, and the Eretica are not talking. The members of this clan, originating from Russia, have the faculties of mentally manipulating the kinetic energy (Kineticism), warping the senses of others (Licencieux), controlling and speaking with the animals (Animalism) and altering their own bodies totally or partially (Protean). However, they transmit a disease with their bite. Last but not least, the Loogaroo seem too eager to leave without looking back but that's only words. The Loogaroo, originating from Haiti, have the abilties of practicing a blood magic based on pacts with demons (Dark Thaumaturgy), manipulating luck and chance (Sunnikuse), resisting huge damage (Fortitude) and displaying a majestic aura (Presence). On the other hand, they are continuously listening to music inside their minds.

Since the first night, the Cloaked Conspiration is organized in a very military way. Leading each city, there is the Admiral, a Lieutenant as their assistant. There is also a council of kindred called the General staff, which composition and power varies locally. This structure is getting obsolete, but things seem to be changing. To allow vampires to socialize with each other, each city has a place or more named the Elysium. Nearly all cities also have someone named Castigator which, with the help of a gang of guys called Legbreakerss, does the dirty work of the Admiral and put every possible loose cannon in line; a vampire called the Guardian of the Elysium, who tries to the Elysium is a really neutral place; and a group called the Influencers, which have a finger in every political pie and will verbally tear you apart if you make any faux de pass. Finally, the Cloaked Conspiration has an elite team of vampires (one from each clan) called Justicars. With the assitance of their personal Guards, they hunt those Kindred who treason the Cloaked Conspiration Traditions and more or less openly guide the Cloaked Conspiration. Sadly, the Eretica's Justicar has been recently killed, and their colleges are burning with rage


In the USA, the Cloaked Conspiration is specially strong in the Pacific West, being Los Angeles its spiritual capital and also having a notable influence in Portland, San Francisco and Phoenix. The organization also extends its reach to the Northeast, with a special presence in Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Boston.Also, the organization considers the Midwest its next target (although there are alarming news coming from Detroit); the Plains area is seen as a war zone even if it still controls Houston. Meanwhile, the Rowdy Movement is the supreme ruler in the Southeast, controling the hunting grounds of Atlanta and New Orleans.

The city of Los Angeles is ruled by a Vlokoslak Admiral, who doesn't do a thing wihouth the acquiescence of some unknown party even if this is a well kept secret. The Admiral is infuriated by that, and the battlefield lines are being drawn. In recent times, someone is killing people and making it look as a vampire work...and some groups of 'vampire hunters' wannabes are patrolling the streets. Also, many mortals in the city are falling misteriously ill and it seems caused by an infected local vampire; a quarantine in some zones has been thus established. Finally, a group of newhorn neonates accidentaly stepped on the metaphorical toes of an important Elder by meddling their private hunting grounds, and is now in hiding.

Portland is governed by a Dang Admiralthat only intervenes very occasionally , so the Lieutenant has the real power. Suprisingly, the city is quite stable despite all that!. Recently, an unaffiliated (but very famous) local arts celebrity has been robbed of something valuable by one or more members of the Inquisition and the victim is ready to strike back. Also, a young vampire from a near city has asked for sanctuary, fleeing a vengeful Elder; the local Admiral considers the matter an annoying hot potato. Finally, a visiting vampire was subjected to utter ridicule by one of the Influencers and has just smiled in response ... in a rather disturbing way.

Buffalo is led by a Zmeu Admiral, that keeps everything on track without making too much noise if only for a matter of personal interest. Rumors in the General staff say that the Admiral is receiving unknown help for his success, but they are being interpreted as sour grapes. Recently, a untried neonate broke the rules of Elysium and the Guardian of the Elysium is trying to clean up the mess. Also, a very young Orphans is said to be hidding somewhere in the city with a feral dog for only company and the Admiral wants they to be found and summarily executed. Finally, a serial murderer has caused 12 victims in the last months; the clues point to something supernatural...but not to a Kindred.

Pittsburgh is ruled by a Katakhanades Admiral (who has to be always vigilant), and a General staff, formed by Elders from all the clans. The Lieutenant has been put in charge by the General staff, but secretly supports the Admiral. The power balance seems tilted in favor of the General staff, and the Admiral is preparing to change that. Recently, a senior representative of local law enforcement has been retained for some time by an unknown party ...and although 'blackmail' is a very ugly word, all of that looked like blackmail. Also, someone is selling 'vampire blood' in the black market (and it's seem to be the real stuff!). Finally, there a rumors about 'a lone hunter who uses massive amounts of fire' and at least one pile of vampiric ashes has been found since then.

Phoenix is ruled by a Vlokoslak Admiral who seems to see their position as a mere toy , so at the end the city stands on its own. Nevertheless, there are voices asking for the Admiral to get more involved.. Recently, a well-known Ancilla from the Eretica has suddenly been lost as if running away from something and the Admiral has ordered an investigation about this mystery. Also, one of the Castigator's Legbreakerss has been implicated in a false religious cult that got out of hand and the Admiral wants to purgue it before Inquisition knocks the door. Finally, a well-known politician from the opposition party in the city been trashed by a group of local neonates and the victim is shouting a lot but with no subsequent action.

Boston is governed by a Leyak Admiral , who is considered a competent ruler since they has a natural gift for leadership. The General staff seems satisfied with this current situation and they are quite collaborative with the Admiral when the situation requires it. Recently, there is a rookie half-frenzied Kindred on the loose after killing their partner by accident while feeding but there is someone important who wants to keep they 'alive' for now. Also, an Elder's ghoul accidentally broke the masquerade and strict damage control is in place. Finally, some dangerous rumor telling 'killing your Sire will make you human again' walks the streets, and the Admiral is not amused at all.

Atlanta, the 'capital' city of the Rowdy Movement, is a particularly chaotic place, with a mixture of Leyak and Loogaroo leaders at the top and where the Order of the Fanged is treated as a 'simple band of nutty vampires', Masquerade is periodically in danger and some Nachzeher seem to be acting out of sight of local vampires. On the other hand, New Orleans is relatively calm place, with a mixture of leaders for quite a number of Clans at command and where vampires from the Katakhanades have a unexpected presence, the Cloaked Conspiration Elders are respected if they don't try to play their 'chess games' there and some Ramanga occasionally come to deal and negotiate with the local vampires. In brief, the Rowdy Movement is expandingits influence across the region, but mortal hunters with enough knowledge are taking advantage of their relative inexperience.

In a somewhat less optimistic context, Detroit is a city with severe problems, as it has recently fend off a full attack by lupines, and the reconstruction has only just begun. The old Dang Admiral has been replaced by a new Eretica one, and the General staff retains part of its old members. Newcomers will find plenty of vacant places to take advantage of. Meanwhile, Houston is an island among a sea of enemies but is resisting quite well...for now. Its Eretica Admiral does not seem to pay due attention to his surroundings, and the newcomers are informed that they must always be prepared for the worst

Finally, there is the city of San Francisco: ruled by a Vlokoslak Admiral for decades, it has been considered one of the most important cities of the Cloaked Conspiration, and its tale is both astonishing and dramatic. The present is marked by unexpected pact with a group of strange vampires (if they can even be labelled as that) from remote regions of the world which shows as much interest as danger and by the inexplicable disappearance of the actual Admiral to the bewilderment of all; the future, by for an imminent and devastating attack by ghosts which will unite all factions against the common enemy (or they all will be destroyed one by one) , and which may suppose the beginning of the end of the city’s myth.

The world

Regarding other spheres of influence, the Cloaked Conspiration has been the main player for ages in Australia and Central Africa, specially in the cities of Brisbane and Libreville, and to a lesser degree in the cities of Canberra and Bangui. On the other hand, it was recently expelled from Eastern Europe, but still has some hopes in Sofia.

Libreville is ruled by a Dang Admiral who seems little interested in power games , and the General staff plays respecting these rules. The city is quite chaotic because all that, but nobody wants any changes. Recently, a group of local neonate have been violently assassinated by a powerfull vampire of the Order of the Fanged and the Admiral has promised a severe punishment to the guilty party. Also, somebody seems to be stealing vampiric blood (and even organs!) for inscrutable reasons leaving behind amnesic but 'unharmed' victims. Finally, several vampires of the city are sharing the same dream lately, and the Admiral has has imposed a policy of 'it is not allowed to talk about the subject'.

Brisbane is ruled by a Zmeu Admiral, who is not more than a figure head of their Lieutenant and everybody and their dog know it. The Admiral isn't even aware of it, but the rumors are reaching their ears. In recent times, a green neonate lost an important item placed in their care and the deadline to get it back is running out. Also, a Lieutenant Childe has been hold against their will by someone near the Admiral ...and it's clear that they were pto someone higher. Finally, some 'miracle healings' are taking place in a local hospital and the use of vampiric blood seems somehow involved.

Sofia is governed by a Leyak Admiral , who rules with and iron fist. The Admiral has put in charge their only rival as Lieutenant ("...and keep your enemys closer"); meanwhile, there is no General staff officially recognized, but it is accepted as inevitable. Lately, the number of Orphans in the city is rocketing as if someone is creating them on purpose, and the Admiral is ready for a purge. Also, the Admiral is looking for experts in moder technologies to train their personal servants...but the job interviews for the position are being quite harrowing. Finally, the Admiral is organizing a reception at the Elysium; attendance will NOT be optional.

Canberra is governed by a Eretica Admiral (who has to keep a balance of power), and a General staff, formed by the Elders the Admiral's clan. The Lieutenant has been chosen by mutual agreement between the Admiral and the General staff, but secretly supports the Admiral. The power balance seems stable for the relief of those not involved. A short time ago, an Elder has created a Chylde without permission; the Admiral seems ready to stake them and put them in the sun. Also, some reputation-threatening footage seems to have fallen into the wrong hands and the Admiral is looking for those behind its recording. Finally, there has been an unusual presence of Obayifo in the city and the Admiral seems to be in talks with them; their original clan maintains a suspicious silence about the matter.

Lastly, Bangui is a peculiar city where the 'Admiral' is another name for the mouth of the local General staff, which rules jointly. There are two totally antagonistic sides , and sooner or later everything will explode into chaos. In recent times, a puppeted mortal with a high economical position has been ambushed by (allegedly) a clan Katakhanades's Elder and the victim has announced a eye-for-an-eye. Also, a prominent figure in a local religious organization has suddenly vanished from sight leaving only puzzling clues behind and it seems it's not an isolated case. Finally, there is a BIG stack of money and drugs hidding somewhere in the city after a group of young vampires screwed up and there is quite a number of many people looking for it.

Tales of the Order of the Fanged

Against the Cloaked Conspiration, stands the organization known as the Order of the Fanged, which ignores the Masquerade and plans to destroy the Antediluvians. This organization is led to a greater degree by its creators, the Impundulu (coming from Southafrica) ...the same way the Vlokoslak does with the Cloaked Conspiration , in an ironic twist. These Kindred have the powers of practicing a blood magic based on the shadows (Abyss Mysticism), creating chemical poisons (Asphyx), changing their own bodies totally or partially (Protean) and displaying a charming aura (Presence). In return, their image does not appear on mirrors or other reflective surfaces. The Impundulu, during the foundation of the Order of the Fanged, shared their power with the Gayal (whith old domains in India). These Kindred have the abilties of manifesting powers of witchcraft (Striga), manipulating the Blood (Sakti Pata), overcoming the limits of human strength (Potence) and changing their own bodies in various ways (Protean). For all that, they cannot feed on animals.

Regarding the antitribu, the Vlokoslak loathe what their counterparts in the Cloaked Conspiration have become...while the Eretica seem to get along curiously well with their own antitribu. The Leyak have transformed into a gruesome version of their original clan, while the Loogaroo have exagerated versions of the features of theirs. The Katakhanades are among the most loyal defenders of the Order of the Fanged possibly because in a way they were the ones who instigated the Rowdy Movement, while the Zmeu feel liberated from the restrictions of the Cloaked Conspiration. Finally, if the Dang have not been killed yet by their clan of origin, the later is already workint at it. Orphans are treated by the Order of the Fanged supposedly as any other vampire, but theory differs from practice and the Orphans are fully aware of it. But despite all that propaganda, there are Impundulu who choose to be part of the Cloaked Conspiration because they consider this organization as the winning horse, and Gayal who ignore the Order of the Fanged and prefer to lead their ancestral lands

Unlike the Cloaked Conspiration, the top ranks the Order of the Fanged are organized in a religious way, with a Cardinal leading each city, and the Elders forming the Prelature to act as counselors. Nevertheless, kindred in the Order of the Fanged prefer to form small teams called prides, with a Alpha at command and a Priest as spiritual guide. Finally, the Order of the Fanged has a powerful army called the Secret Hand, which is the equivalent of an 'internal affairs department' and works as soldiers and assassins

In the USA, the Order of the Fanged has conquered practically all the Plains area, with Denver and Kansas City as its personal playgrounds. It could be pointed out that the city of Denver is a complete cesspit led by a nefarious Gayal Cardinal, where the prides continually fight each other and vampires lurk the nights with impunity. Meanwhile, the city of Kansas City is a supposedly "calm" place with an astute Impundulu Cardinal commanding, where the local pride reserve their worst excesses for the exterior and the Masquerade is maintained as in any given the Cloaked Conspiration's city. Also, the Order of the Fanged is infiltrating the Midwest, and is launching war parties to Indianapolis and St. Louis...and the Cloaked Conspiration thinks it is only lies and propaganda.

In other regions of the world, the Order of the Fanged is still strong in Southern Africa, largely in the cities of Cape Town and Gaborone. Nevertheless, it shows signs of be losing its grip on Brazil, but its presence is still strong in in the city of Salvador. Also, the Order of the Fanged and the Cloaked Conspiration are fighting the so called 'Supremacy Struggle' in Southeast Asia, being Yangon and Singapore the main battlefields. The Supremacy Struggle in Yangon, is based mainly on direct methods, with the Order of the Fanged breaking the Masquerade in blatant ways and sending pride after pride against its foes, while the Cloaked Conspiration uses their ghouls in surgical strikes and organizes massive Blood Hunts of any identified foe. On the other hand, the Supremacy Struggle in Singapore is based on a combination of sly and direct tactics, with the Order of the Fanged sowing doubts among their foes' loyalty to the Cloaked Conspiration' with lies and targeting lonely kindred for they murder, while the Cloaked Conspiration makes 'interesting offers' to the middle-ranked vampires among the enemy and employs the local forces of order as weapon.. For now, the Order of the Fanged is being overrun in Yangon, and it is only making slow progress in Singapore.

The Book of the Apolitical

Avoiding the war between the Cloaked Conspiration and the Order of the Fanged, there are those known as Apolitical, formed by the members of four clans.

This way, the Pontianak have wandering lives, and they are viewed as usefull messangers and freelancers. The true reason of their travels is that are secretly testing the other clans...and all are failing. Lately, the Cloaked Conspiration are interested in making a deal with them, and the clan is being receptive. Meanwhile, the Pontianak antitribu have ignored a good part of their traditions, and they are seen as bitter enemies to be killed. Recently, several Pontianak have met groups of ghosts, and it doesn't seem like a fluke at all. These Kindred, that initially arose in Malasya, have the powers of cultivating their inner power to achieve feats of martial might and honorable demeanor (Kai), detecting, controlling and spread of diseases (Cachexy), controlling and speaking with the animals (Animalism) and enduring terrible damage (Fortitude). Regrettably, they are more sensitive to light (especially sunlight) than other vampires.

The Obayifo act as contract killers, but they will ask you for a fabuolous amount of money; on the other hand, the main motive for their killings seems to be an addition to murder. At the present, the Cloaked Conspiration sees them with displeasure, and this can end in war. Meanwhile, the Obayifo hardly join the Order of the Fanged, and the main clan is still debating what to do with these 'lost sheep'. Recently, the Obayifo have reduced their usual prices suddenly, as if they knew something and the rest didn't. The Obayifo have their origin in Ghana; they have the faculties of creating all kinds of illusions and deceptions (Chimestry), hiding the inner state of a kindred (Kamen), employing unnatural methods of perception (Auspex) and displaying a charismatic aura (Presence). Unfortunately, they go into a frenzy with worrying ease.

The Nachzeher are part of a closed family with an ancient mystic tradition, and they will not tolerate any outsiders.Their seat of power is in a city in Kashubia, where the control everything from the shadows. For now, the Cloaked Conspiration wouldn't make any approach to them, and it will severely punish whoever does it. Meanwhile, the Nachzeher treat their antitribu in the Order of the Fanged as heretics even though their customs are very similar, but no compromise will ever be possible. Recently, there has been some problems in the Nachzeher city, and everything suggests that the Order of the Fanged is behind that. These Kindred have the capabilities of manifesting powers related to fairy magic (Mytherceria), reducing their vampiric limitations through vile ceremonies (Choronzon), enduring huge harm (Fortitude) and concealing beyond human senses (Obfuscate). Despite that, humans suffer an instinctive fear before them.

Lastly, the Ramanga try to resurrect their dark god to drown the world in blood.This resurrection requires finding the right sacrifice, but their plans have hit some kind of a wall. Until now, the Cloaked Conspiration seems to be ignoring them, and the clan would not want it to be otherwise. Meanwhile, the Ramanga pretend that their antitribu come back to the fold (with null success)...and they are ready to take more 'persuasive' actions. Recently, there have been omens that their god is getting angry, but there is still confidence in the clan. The members of this clan, coming from Madagascar, have the capabilities of healing with the power of a mystical third eye (Obeah), trigger the feeling of despair in others (Despond), ruling the will of others (Domination) and resisting the worst wounds (Fortitude). Even so, they have a permanent and incurable mental disorder.

Grim topics of the Secret Hand

Rumors said that...

"Nefertiti is a Dang. Or maybe a Katakhanades? I'm not sure, it's been too long."

"Al Capone was Embraced by the Admiral of San Francisco. What a good fella!"

"The Dang suffered a curse by the Loogaroo. They neither forget nor forgive. "

"I met a bloke in Berlin who assured that he was Cain. He left me wondering, you now."

"Dracula is a Vlokoslak. It's self evident."

"The Antediluvian of the Leyak rose up recently, and had to be destroyed with nuclear bombs. It sure was a worthy show. "

"A big honcho of the Vlokoslak in Spain is organizing 'corridas de toros' with ghouled bulls. What will be next? Zombi flamencos?."

"The Katakhanades turned into vampires by diablerizing the Antediluvian of a (now) extinct clan. They will end up paying for it."

"The Katakhanades are convinced that they diablerized their antediluvian. How naive ..."

"The Zmeu were a family of ghouls, but they diablerized their Antediluvian. Take that, filial duty."

"Raputin was a Loogaroo. Or possibly a Leyak. No, to hell with that, he sure was a wraith. "

"A monstrous version of the Nachzeher, following the mandate of their antidiluvian, is exterminating them mercilessly. Poor bastards."

"The Pontianak ruled a great empire of antiquity in full view of the whole world. And they continue to nag about it."

"The Gayal have occasional contacts with lupines. Sometimes they even come out alive."

"Lady Bathory was a Gangrel. And yes, all you may have hear is true...or worse."

"The founder of the Loogaroo was diablerized by their own offspring. The alleged descendants claim to be the 'True Loogaroo'. Maybe we should get rid of their knockoffs?. ”

"The Katakhanades antritibu used a different discipline than the members of the original clan ... but everything has changed.
Something's up here. "

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