Blog dedicado fundamentalmente a juegos de rol de creación personal. Porque lo que el mundo necesita, precisamente, son más juegos de rol de creación personal...¿no?
Secciones específicas
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022
“Weirder Matters”, a VISORPG-Z game template of kids dealing with supernatural stuff in an 80’s American Town
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2022
KEEPING CONTACT! - Standalone Social system for Solo Roleplaying
Come on! Bōkensha-kun is treating you a jug of beer!
KEEPING CONTACT! is a stand-alone social system
for solo roleplaying designed to be used with any other RPG ruleset. This
system has been inspired by a certain style of videogame system that you’ll
probably recognize if you’re familiar with it. No more details about that will
be given, to not spoil the surprise. On the other hand, it can be safely said
that you’ll find rules for first impressions, established backstories,
long-term and short term-relationships, Faction membership, and more! Yep,
including romancing!
This Social system is the stand-alone version of the
one that can be found in VISORPG-Z+ (available just here, in this blog) game.
And if you’re just feeling some deja-vu after reading
all this…well, plenty of this has been just a copy&paste’d from theprevious entry in this blog. As I said once: recycling is good for the
environment, so let’s recycle as much as we can!
CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF VERSION (Just in case you missed the other links, twice)
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2022
LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System for Solo Roleplaying
LET’S TALK! is a stand-alone dialogue system for solo roleplaying
designed to be used with any other RPG ruleset. This system has been inspired
by the classic tree-dialogue videogame system; to be precise, it’s based on
those games where dialogue options are represented by just a word, short
phrase, or even an icon. Luckily, this won’t be one of those games where the writer put words in the mouth of your
character that you never, ever, would use, or even worse, mislead you…because
in this case you would be the one
selecting those words!
This Dialogue system is the stand-alone version of the one that can be found in VISORPG -Z+ (available just here, in this blog) game. To be fair, even if it was an already quite ‘stand-alone’-ish system to begin with, it nevertheless included some mentions to other mechanics. Thus, you'll find in this document a fully system-agnostic version of those rules!
domingo, 3 de julio de 2022
HOUSHI TO HOGO: Ambientación / Campaña para JDR en solitrario (...o no).
Esta mañana, Yamada-sama se ha levantado con el deseo de asistir al festival de las flores de cerezo. Por supuesto, ya va con un mes de retraso, pero este año Yamada-sama estuvo enfermo y no pudo asistir...así que ahora nos toca encontrar la manera de hacernos con unos cerezos que estén a punto de florecer, o simularlos. Aunque espero que, esta vez, no nos veamos metidos en una situación de toma de rehenes en mitad del atraco a un banco, o en mitad de la peor ventisca de la historia...
Enlace de descarga (Version 0.01)
Höshi to Hogo (HtS) es una ambientación / generador de aventuras para usar con el JDR en solitario de tu elección (aunque fue creado con el sistema VISORPG en mente, para qué nos vamos a engañar) que te pone en la piel (es un decir) de una Unidad Battle Maid o Battle Steward: un Androide de servicio avanzado que ha adquirido una verdadera consciencia y personalidad, pero que a la vez posee un terrorífico Modo de Combate que lo convierte en, esta vez de manera literal, una igualmente terrorífica máquina de destrucción.
Estás trabajando de (más o menos) incógnito entre la servidumbre de Yamada Hanako / Yamada Sato (nombre real mantenido en secreto por razones de seguridad), con el fin de proteger a esa persona de una, por ahora, desconocida amenaza. Quizás amenazas, en plural: Yamada para tener cierta tendencia a atraer el peligro con cada uno de sus actos...o incluso cuando no hace nada. Mientras, debes lidiar con el resto de la servidumbre, un puñado de gente excéntrica y algo hastiada, ala vez que tratas de entender qué es lo que significa realmente el "ser humano", y la lógica (?) que hay detrás de todas esas emociones que no paras de encontrarte ¡en ocasiones incluso en ti!
A toro pasado, quizás deberías haber elegido un lugar menos extravagante para aprender todo eso...pero oye, al fin y al cabo se dice que errar es humano, ¿no es así?
lunes, 20 de junio de 2022
[VISORPG] Mod for Tabletop Simulator
martes, 14 de junio de 2022
Two playbooks for Beyond the Wall: "The Fallen Divinity" and "The Stranger in a strange land"
Here (or, in fact, just a tiny bit below) you’ll find two (somewhat) new and (totally) weird playbooks for Beyond the wall. Both playbooks are more suitable for an urban-centered campaign than a village-centered one: a little village with fully operational Adventurer’s Guild would certainly be a rare occurrence! Also, their tables doesn’t strictly follow the same order than in other playbooks because, let’s be honest, they find no use for the more classical ones. In fact, the idea is using both playbooks in the same group, for reasons that would be totally obvious once you read their description...or just by looking at the image just up there.
The Fallen
Divinity was once more powerful
that in Their current state. As in, way, way, WAY more powerful; the difference
of power between a mere mortal and one of the Big Fishes of the Celestial Pond, to be precise.
Okay, maybe one of the Respectably-sized Fishes, at the very least. This
playbook is a modified version of The Devout Acolyte from Heroes of
Yong and Old, but changing the benefits, the order they’re received and…well,
everything regarding the narrative stuff.
The Stranger in a Strange Land comes from another world…or, from the point of view of this characters, this would be the another world, instead of old and dear Planet Earth. This playbook is based on the Rogue class and…well, as it was said, has a background as weird as the previous one (if not more!).
>>Download link; yeah, just click it, it's one of those "Google drive" ones<<
(but clicking the image at the top would also have worked; just saying)
viernes, 10 de junio de 2022
[OETW] + [Rd5] + [Rd5(+6)] = ¡3 Add-on para VISORPG de una sola vez!
Esta entrada del blog sirve para presentaros no una, ni dos, sino TRES traducciones de add-on para el juego de rol en solitario VISORPG. De acuerdo, el tercero de ellos es más bien un Add-on de un Add-on, pero ¡no nos pongamos excesivamente quisquillosos, caramba!
Este Add-on de Ciencia Ficción te permite llevar tus juegoa de VISORPG al espacio...con dos modos de juego diferentes.
- Capitán de Nave Estelar- En este modo de juego estarás a las órdenes de tu Federación, actuando como su representante y cumpliendo con sus órdenes y protocolos. Por supuesto, esas órdenes pueden consistir en "explora toda esa enormemente grande región del espacio desconocido, y luego nos cuentas", y los protocolos basarse en "no te saltes la Primera Directiva y comprueba siempre que la atmósfera de un planeta es respirable antes de querer darte un paseo por él", así que no tienes por qué sentirte especialmente limitado.
- Pícaros Espaciales. En este modo de juego, irás trampeando por la vida a los mandos de una nave espacial que, por lo demás, es bastante cool (sobre todo para lo cutre que suele ser el resto de tu existencia), siempre intentado ir un paso por delante de las deudas y, sobre todo, de los tipejos de baja catadura moral con los que tienes esas deudas.
Este Add-on incluye reglas de combate espacial, creación (y gestión) de tripulaciones, eventos y misiones (o trabajos turbios) en el espacio...y, en fin, unas cuentas cosas más.
Este Add-on incluye reglas para jugar a VISORPG dirigiendo (más o menos) a un equipo de 5 personas, en lugar del personaje protagonista de turno. O, más bien, seguirás interpretando a UN protagonista, que actuará como Líder de ese grupo e intentará que las cosas no se salgan excesivamente de madre.
Se ofrecen cinco modos de juego diferente, incluyendo en cada caso las reglas necesarias para crear a tu arquetípica banda y sus no menos arquetípicas aventuras. Añade a eso reglas de romance, diálogos avanzados, combate de mecha, etc., y el resultado es...en fin, este Add-on. ¿Qué otra cosa iba a ser si no?
Y respecto a los cinco modos de juego ofrecidos, vienen a ser más o menos tal que así:
Sentai: ¡Cinco heroicos luchadores contra el Mal y por la Justicia, cada uno con su correspondiente color y todos ellos compartiendo un enorme mecha!
Mahou Shoujo: ¡Cinco heroicas Chicas Mágicas luchando contra la Oscuridad y por la Luz, cada una con sus correspondientes poderes mágicos!
Maestros de los Elementos: Las aventuras del Maestro de los Cuatro Elementos en su búsqueda por restaurar el Equilibrio, acompañado de Maestros de cada uno de los Elementos individuales.
El Gran Golpe: O cómo dirigir a un equipo encargado de robar a los ricos para dárselo a los pobres, previo pago de una mínima comisión. O a veces, ni eso, si el supuesto rico es un mal bicho.
Pop Band: Una mezcla entre Scooby Doo y "This is Spinal Tap", en esencia.
Seis nuevos modos de juego a añadir a los cinco que ese ofrecían en el Add-on mencionado justo anteriormente:, nuevamente con el material necesario para crear a los protagonistas, generar ideas de aventuras, etc. Y en este caso, estos modos de juego son...
Los Aventureros: Buscadores de tesoros en un mundo de fantasía, en dos versiones.
Los Aventureros: Como el de antes, pero en versión Isekai, en la cual interpretas a una persona de la Tierra atrapada en un mundo de fantasía. ¿Alguien acaba de decir 'Konosuba'?
Ciudad de Superhéroes: Exactamente lo que dice la etiqueta.
Ciudad de Tinieblas: Magos, Vampiros, Licántropos, Hadas, Cazadores...todos ellos viviendo en la misma Ciudad en feliz armonía. O no tanto, pero el caso es que tu equipo está compuesto de uno de cada, así que...
Danger Land!: ¡Aventuras pulp, con viajes por todo el mundo, reliquias legendarias, localizaciones exóticas, y muchos símbolos de exclamación!
El Espíritu del Bosque: Las aventuras de un grupo de animales del Bosque, en su lucha por la supervivencia (vale, no siempre tiene por qué ser tan dramático).
Y por si fuera poco, aprovecho también para presentar la traducción de las herramientas para VISORPG y OETW que te permiten, empleando el programa Inspiration Pad Pro (disponible en este enlace), consultar la mayor parte de las tablas del manual básico, crear personajes de manera instantánea o, en el caso de OETW, generar TODO el universo de juego (mundos, protagonista, nave, tripulación, etc.) con un simple click.
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022
[VISORPG] Rule of Fives - Up to Eleven (An add-on for an add-on for VISORPG)
DOWNLOAD LINK - (Version 0.02)
Here you can find a new add-on for VISORPG
(well, and add-on for an add-on) which offers 5+1 new games modes, based on the
same number of archetypical 'bands of five':
The Adventurers: Fantasy in two flavors (classical and isekai).
City of Supers: For your team-of-superdudes games.
City of Darkness: Urban-fantasy with more supernatural people you can shake a stick at!
Danger Land!: Pulpy adventures! Expect plenty of action! And exclamation points! As
the following ones!!!
The Spirit of the Forest: Cute little animals working together to protect the Forest and their dwellers against both natural troubles and those caused by Human.
Requires both VISORPG Core rules and its Rule of Fives add-on. Or maybe not, if you just use this for other games. Don't worry, all of that it's free.
martes, 19 de abril de 2022
HOUSHI to HOGO: A setting / adventure generator for solo RPGing
This morning, Yamada-san has woken up with the desire to attend the cherry blossom festival. Of course, it’s already a month late for that, but this year Yamada-san was sick and couldn’t assist. So now, we must search some way to find cherry trees ready to blossom…or fake them. I hope that, this time, we don’t get caught in the middle of a hostage situation with a bunch of bank robbers, in the middle of the Worst. Hailstorm. Ever.
Höshi to
Hogo (HtS) is a setting
/ adventure generator for a solo RPG of your choice (even if it was
created with the VISORPG in mind, to be honest)
that puts you under the skin of a Battle-Maid / Battle-Valet: an advanced service
android who has acquired self-conscience and real intelligence but, at the same
time, with a frightening Battle Mode that turns you into a (this time quite literal)
killing machine!
You are working (more or less) incognito among
the servants of Yamada Hanako / Yamada Sato (real name kept secret for security reasons), to protect
the master of the household from a (for now) unknown threat. Maybe threats, in
plural: that Yamada seems to attract danger with every act…or even without acting.
Meanwhile, you’ll have to deal with a bunch of quite eccentric and jaded
servants (in addition to their capricious master), while trying to understand what means
to be ‘human’ and the logic (?) behind all those human ‘emotions’
you keep finding…sometimes even in you!
In hindsight, maybe you should have chosen a less
extravagant place as your testing ground…but hey, making mistakes is part of being
human, isn’t it?
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022
[VISORPG] RULE OF FIVES: An add-on for ViSORPG about Teamwork & Human Relationships (and, maybe, also Giant Robots)
For those who
want to play solo, but not too much solo, here there is Rule
of Fives (or Ro5s): an Add-on for the VISORPG game that lets you play with a
team instead of with just one lonely character. Not that the core manual didn’t
allow you making a team, mind you…but here you’ll find more structure,
and stuff like that.
Thus, in its
40-ish pages you’ll find…
· Five
game genres which let you play with archetypical 5-member teams: can you see
the symmetry here? So you can choose your poison:
Sentai: color coded for your convenience…and with an included mecha!
Mahö Shöjo: Magical Girls fighting against Darkness in the name of Light & Friendship!
Master of the Elements: the adventures of the Master of the Four Elements (and company), trying to save the world from a terrible crisis!
The Great Heist: apply a little of karmic balance by robbing to the rich and give it to the poor. Or something like that.
Pop band: ‘Scooby doo’ meets ‘This is Spinal Tap’. Nuff said.
for romancing. Nuff said, again.
· New
Dialogue options: now you may be romantic or even flirt…but expect some
eye-rolling responses if you have read the room in a wrong way.
combat rules: because that mecha in the Sentai game isn’t there just to look
cool and sell merchandise, y’know.
· New
events: what are the rest of the team members doing when you’re not looking at
them? Now you can know it!
martes, 15 de marzo de 2022
[VISORPG] HIGHER RESOLUTION - A troperrific, cliche-laden and convention-filled Add On for VISORPG (but potentially standalone)
As if VISORPG wasn’t already full of clichés, tropes and conventions, this Add-on will take it up to eleven! In its 16 landscape-oriented pages, you’ll find a bunch of 10 x 10 tables with tropes and simillar stuff for different genres: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi and Superpowers. Yes, that means that, for use the, you’ll need 2d10 in addition to the usual 2d6. What did you expect? If you want to play with higher resolutions, you must update your hardware!
Also, this Add-on expands the runes tables, following the same principle: 100 results instead of 36 for each table. That means that the chances of getting a ‘Platypus’ result will be greatly diminished. Feature? Bug? The jury is still out on this one.
As things are, this Add-on could be used as an additional Oracle for other solo RPGs. Maybe a somewhat weird Oracle...but who am I to judge?
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2022
Download link to the PDF - 0.02 Version
Download link to the Game Setup Tool
As I (not
actually) promised, here there is the first Add-On for VISORPG, the
Videogame-ish Solo Roleplaying Game. And, if its title wasn’t enough of a hint
already, let’s take a look at what’s the theme of this Add-On, and its content:
adaptation of the rules from the VISORPG core manual to play a solo sci-fi RPG
modes of play, Starship Captain and Space Rogue, inspired by…oh, come on, the
title said it all already!
for space combat, unknown world probing, loyal crew management and many more.
Or, at least, a little more; this Add-On is only 30-ish pages, after all, no a
gaming rendition of the Galactic Encyclopedia!
Inspiration Pad Pro table to create a game universe with just one click. Or 25
universes, if you forget to modify the default application
values. Don’t worry, even 25 of them would be created in just a breath.
So, just
click on the links at the top (we’re staunch believers in the
just-with-one-click philosophy, as it seems) to get the corresponding files!