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viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

[Moon Raid] [ENG] Core book finished!


Well, the title of this entry says it all! The Moon Raid RPG (a.k.a. 'The game that started as a passing comment in a RPG forum') is finished.'s uploaded, at least, in the first complete version of the text: after seeing the kind of mistakes there were in the previous partial version, I expect having to correct more things in the future.

So I have created a page for the game in this blog, where I would update the links if (when?) there are more updates. I have also included there a short description of the different books that make the core game.

And now, what? Well, as the rules part has been a translation (with some reskinning) of material I have already written for another RPG (this one in Spanish), and there is quite an ammount of material left...there is room for expansion here. Or for expansions, to be precise. Time will tell!


sábado, 19 de junio de 2021

[Moon Raid] [ENG] Book II - Characters


So yes, things have moved faster than I expected, to the point that I can even show some of the results! Here it is the first half of Book II - Characters, which describes the character creation rules of the game and also includes a description of the general feats (i.e., those 'special thingies' which can be acquired by any character...within some reasonable limits, of course!).

UPDATE (2021/06/21): Version 0.02 has been released, and the links have been properly updated. So Book II is completed.

UPDATE (2021/06/24): Full game released, now with its own page!

 Moon Raid: Book II - Characters (Ver. 0.01) download link

Moon Raid: Book II - Characters (Ver. 0.02) download link  

Most up-to-date version here!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

[Moon Raid] [ENG] Moon Raid, a systemless (for now) RPG setting with a heroic modern horror-fantasy shōnen tone


TLDR: MoonRaid, an RPG system with a heroic modern horror-fantasy shōnen tone (link to the updated page)


Recently, in these thread in the forum, I posted a random of the cuff setting idea that I came up with (well..that’s the thread title, after all!). But, once I hit the ‘Post reply’ button, I thought ‘you know, maybe I could expand it a little’…and sure I did it! In an act of recklessness, I decided to write it in English. Not ‘writing it Spanish and then translating it to English’, but in English from the very beginning. And…well, here is the result. For now, this is a systemless setting, that could be used with RPGs with heroic characters of the ‘cool powers’ variety…but, maybe (and that’s a big maybe) it won’t be systemless forever: in another act of recklessness, I’ve begun writing a system for it…or, to be precise, translating the parts of one of my homebrewed games to this setting. Truth be told, when I wrote the setting, I already have that plan in mind, so I could reuse plenty of the material (sometimes with a little reskinning, some times without needing even that!). But this is going to take quite a while, I'm afraid.

So there it is. I would probably revise it every now and then, because sure there are typos here and there…and let’s not talk about the grammar (oh, gosh, the prepositions, phrasal verbs and verb combinations are really killing me!). Hope you enjoy it!

UPDATE (2021/06/24): In fact, I'm still hoping that you enjoy  the setting, but the provious paragraph was oh-so-outdated now. And that's because the setting is no system-less anymore! Here, you'll find the recent version all documents related to Moon Raid.




Y ahora, la versión (resumida) en español: esta es una ambientación que, por ahora, carece de sistema…aunque estoy adaptando el sistema de ‘Una ciudad moderna en un mundo mágico’ para incorporárselo a continuación. Comencé a escribir el documento en inglés, pensado ‘traducirlo al español después va a ser fácil, caramba’…pero me parece a mí que no me va a resultar tan fácil como esperaba. ¡Creo que me he pasado un poco con las frases hechas y memes en inglés!