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viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

[Moon Raid] [ENG] Core book finished!


Well, the title of this entry says it all! The Moon Raid RPG (a.k.a. 'The game that started as a passing comment in a RPG forum') is finished.'s uploaded, at least, in the first complete version of the text: after seeing the kind of mistakes there were in the previous partial version, I expect having to correct more things in the future.

So I have created a page for the game in this blog, where I would update the links if (when?) there are more updates. I have also included there a short description of the different books that make the core game.

And now, what? Well, as the rules part has been a translation (with some reskinning) of material I have already written for another RPG (this one in Spanish), and there is quite an ammount of material left...there is room for expansion here. Or for expansions, to be precise. Time will tell!


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